An Open Letter To Governor Yahaya Bello, Ahead of Council Elections in Kogi State.


As a concerned citizen of Kogi State, who has been driven by the prospect of sustainable development across the nook and cranny of the confluence state, I deemed it fit to draw your attention to issues as stake, as it relates to the forthcoming local government elections billed for September this year.

I tilted from documentations like this not because I am backsliding my commitment and or push for a unified Kogi state, devoid of Bad road networks, insecurity challenges and nonpayment of workers entitlements, but because letter of this nature often got misunderstood even before it hits the target.

A couple of months ago, I wrote an open letter to his Excellency Edward Onoja, your deputy, on the persistent killing and maiming of perceived Opposition to the rulling party in Igala land, the letter came under heavy attack by some cyberspace lieutenant of Kogi extraction who pay bills by defending many counterfactual navigations of your adminstration, it is enough reason to discourage missions like this, But a second thought gave me every reason to pen this letter which I have no spark of skepticism of its utilization.

Without mincing words, the last spell we had under your watch was accosted with adminstrative inaccuracies arising from the nonchalance attitude of your adminstration towards the civil servants, tyrannical rulership, and most importantly your little or no stride towards fostering the north central state with infrastructures, it glaring even to the blind, this led to the greatest media attacks you suffered in the hand of inhabitants of the state who were hell-bent, craving for sustainable development before, during and after the last gubernatorial showdown in the state.

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Those directly eating from your table maybe not have the impetus to ditch out the truth that will no doubt salvage your Democratic reputation, YES! hence the need for this important letter from my end, at the moment, you have the chance to correct your negative democratic records by providing a level playing field for aspirants vying for Chairmanship slots across the 21 Local government area of the state.

Central to this letter is the need to betray your emotion and loyalty to the All Progressive Congress (APC), as we submit towards the Local government elections in the State, you must be neutral and give the inhabitants who are calling for change the opportunity to exercise their franchise and elect the leaders of thier choice and not by the usual selective compensation we had in your first spell as Governor of the north central state.

Kogi state is a complex that needs outmost diligence and hardworking to navigate a healthy political economy, and you must be apolitical now that you’re still the pilot, this appears to be the only chance you have to salvage the regime embedded with adminstrative ineptitude.

I won’t fail to make reference to Dekina Local government area where I hail from, how irrationally static the area has been since the beginning of your government, for more than four years, there was nothing to show from the chairman you imposed on us, and I understands he is gearing up to be returned elected, despite the glaring and woeful failure he recorded during his first spell.

See also  Social Critic, PDP House of Representatives Candidate, Dekina Bassa, Okai Lightens up Community. By Abubakar Yusuf.

Your excellency Sir, I must remind you on the transient nature of political Powers, you must think beyond the people currently sphering around you, a time will come you will be left to your fate, they’re hailing even when you’re failing because that is their most expedient way of eating from your table, the murky nature of our political atmosphere will no doubt hunt you, if you fail to build the needed bridges during your days in office, failure to do this will definitely affect your free movement and assocation when you finally relinquish power.

Samuel Mona Endurance:
Write From Abuja

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