

First and foremost, I want to heartily congratulate you on your appointment as the Chairman/CEO of the anti-drug agency in Nigeria. Indeed, I must say it’s a giant stride to be given such a tasking and demanding job to fight drug abuse in Africa’s most populous black nation. No doubt, your spectacular performance as the Chairman, Presidential Committee for the Elimination of Drug Abuse in Nigeria is a testament to your commitment and zeal in reducing the rate of drug abuse in the country. Sir, you know how the drug business has been a menace and has deeply affected the youths of this generation.

As a nation, we are on the brink of social collapse due to the high rate of drug abuse and addiction, especially amongst the youths who are the life blood of a nation like ours. The high level of drug experimentation in this dispensation requires that all hands must be on deck to rescue the Nigerian youthful population from monumental collapse that’s staring us in the face. Evidently, the youthful age is the most productive age in the life cycle of all humans and we must consciously guide and protect the strength of our nation-the youths.

Nigerian youths are amongst the most intelligent sets of people on planet earth. We are seeing the great achievements of Nigerians in different spheres of human endeavours all over the world. We are also seeing the destruction of many Nigerian youths at home and abroad. What a paradox!

I am writing this letter with so much passion and energy in my heart to you as an anti-drug abuse crusader for more than a decade whose community based campaigns have transformed millions of lives. Pained to inform you that I have been privileged to have seen and handled diverse cases of how hard drugs and substances have ruined the lives of our productive and promising youths, tears will flow ceaselessly from your eyes seeing how a 9-month pregnancy of one mother is being destroyed due to the abuse of hard drug.

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Mr. CEO sir, according to the report of your Presidential Committee for the Elimination of Hard Drugs as published by Guardian newspaper of 14th April, 2019. It was reported that over 15 million Nigerians have been affected by the scourge of drug abuse, most especially youths within the age bracket of 18-35 as worst users as reported by United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in 2018.

On daily basis, we see cases of youths that are going through one case of insanity or the other with report according to the Psychiatric Association of Nigeria that 85% of youths within the age bracket of 18-38 years that are abusing drugs are standing the risk of lunacy. This is a sad development that I as a person wouldn’t want my generation to end up as a wasted generation.

As the privileged founder of SILEC Initiatives, a foremost anti-drug not for profit making organization, we have handled uncountable cases of drug abuse and on regular basis, as we keep championing the crusades against drugs and sensitization of citizens by creating massive awareness, educating the people on the negative effects of drug abuse, the bitter experience I have seen in this endeavour is seeing the helplessness of young people like me being destroyed by drugs.

Obviously sir, you have a huge and monumental challenge ahead of you as you begin your journey to reduce the rate at which Nigerians consume hard drugs and substances. This task will no longer require the traditional or analogue method of combating drug abuse. A digital approach must be infused in your administrative scheme of work if we must get good results under your leadership. With your capacity, competence and character as a follower of your antecedents even from my days in primary school, your name rang a bell in our ears in Lagos State where you served as a sole administrator. Is Mr Silec asking for the same performance? No but beyond what you did in Lagos State.

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Over the years, hard drugs like marijuana, opioids, heroine, cannabis, cocaine, tramadol, and Indian hemp, e.t.c were not in high demand in the country, but now the trend has changed even when you see youths holding bottles of water that should be truly water, but now, they mix all manners of drugs with different liquids just to get ‘high’.

The upsurge of drugs experimentation and consumption especially by people is terrifying. As we hope that you will overhaul the system, we have to critically look at Nigerians in diaspora as well, especially those in Asian countries where strict laws against drug users and merchants are enforced. Some Nigerians have been subjected to stiff penalties due to the issue of drugs and some others gruesomely murdered. It brings shame and embarrassment to us as a nation whenever a Nigerian is indicted for drug abuse in any Asian or European country.

As a pragmatic NGO, SILEC Initiatives has adopted different approaches in dealing with the menace of drugs and substance abuse by the concerted efforts of all our team members and partners, we have been able to transform the lives of many youths that were on the verge of destruction. The battle requires a lot of strategies and non conventional approach.

As we join force with you to stem this enemy of our nation, let me remind you that your assumption into this office will either save our youths or destroy more of them. Sir, that is to say, many destinies of our youths are in your hands to salvage.

Dear Mr Chairman, please don’t let us down in this fight to redeem the image of our dear nation inorder to protect the Nigeria our forefathers handed over to us.

Disheartening to say whenever we think of the over 15million Nigerians that are under the bondage of drugs and substance abuse, with the low barrier of entry, you will agree with me that the number can’t remain the same.
While we are excited about your track records as a decisive and charismatic leader, on behalf of the Nigerian youths, I am tasking you again to redouble your efforts to save our nation with your new appointment.

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We are optimistic that you will justify the confidence reposed in you by the presidency, hence your appointment.

Sir, there’s a lot of work to be done and we will be glad to collectively workout our new Nigeria with you in the area of sensitization, awareness creation, youth empowerment, skills acquisition and rehabilitation. Information dissemination is the fastest cure to drug abuse, experimentation and addiction.

The dangers of drug abuse cannot be overemphasized as you already know, sir. The effects are colossal and on regular basis we see young Nigerians that have been devastated by drugs and substances. Some have lost their sense of reasoning, some have been initiated into terrorism, kidnapping and banditry, some are suffering from chronic diseases, some have died, some have dropped out of school, some have turned to armed robbers, some are in prison and so many other effects. This is the time to act by engaging all and sundry to reduce the scourge of drug abuse.

Sir, it is on record that in the past 9 months, amidst the global lockdown, more youths have been introduced into all manners of drugs due to boredom, peer group influence, socio-economic situation of the country and lack of good parental upbringing. Haven identified the problem, causes and workable solutions to the menace, in our humblest appeal sir, all stakeholders, agencies, NGOs, groups and individuals must be fully involved as we collectively combat our common enemy to save the future of our productive youths for a better tomorrow.

Once again, on behalf of myself and SILEC Initiatives, please accept my hearty congratulations as we look forward to working with you.

Thank You.


Yours Truly,

Amb. Sunny Irakpo,
Silec Initiatives
U.S Government Sponsored Exchange Alumni (IVLP).

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