Ahmed -Tijani Damisa; Building Infrastructures,Robust Legislation,Empowerment,Charity With Good Representation. By Abubakar Yusuf

Rt Honourable Ahmed-Tijani Damisa is the current Chairman House of Representatives Committee on Federal Capital Territory FCT,  is also serving a third term unique period, as member representing Okene/Ogori-Magongo in the green chamber.
Elected into the lower house in 2011,Damisa versed experiences in Law making had contributed in no small measure to both the socio-economic and political developement of his immediate Constituency,Kogi state and Nigeria at large.
As a ranking Federal Lawmaker in the green chamber, Honourable Tijani- Ahmed Damisa contributed in no small measure to the leadership of the lower house, interms of Management,Rules and Businesses, as well as the politics of ascension and succession that drive the developement of Nigeria.
Ahmed-Tijani Damisa,a political scientist, is a household name and a strong advocate towards a serene government policies and programs, leading to the political emancipation,social equilibrium ,with an unlimited emphasis focused towards the infrastructural break through in Nigeria.
As a member representing the steel state of kogi ,it was so close to his heart to see not only the revival of Ajaokuta steel company came to fruition,also the Itakpe Iron Ore,as well as the roads linking the gigantic projects hitherto moribund,but now being restored as the stable of Nigerian economy.
He combined his representation, indigene and emotion together,as on many occasions spoke on the decadence of roads leading to the steel state of kogi,to many parts of the state in the South- West,South-East and South- South part of the country, that attracted goverrment attention towards the mass construction and rehabilitation of the roads.
He was one of the leading and strong voice that led to success of the current on going revival of the moribund ASCO and Itakpe Mining and iron Ore,that will translate to reactivation of other steel rolling mills scattered around Kano,Oshogbo,Jos and Katsina State.
As a member of various committees and sub committees of the House,he developed alot of templates through recommendation and ratification by various committees, that will trigger jobs and employment opportunities,skill development that will address the dearth of unemployed youths in the country.
This is in addition to restoring and creating more Jobs in the ongoing revival of ASCO,NIOMCO and other outlets of employement in the steel industry.
Since membership of the legislative arm of government is about law making, presentation of bills and motions, oversight functions, plenary and Constituency projects,his re-election twice in a row had proved his prowess as a very hard-working representative of Okene-Ogori-Magongo Federal Constituency in Kogi state .
These two areas of Okene and Ogori -Magongo represents a highly volatile people who strong believe in ability to achieve and deliver on his mandate,as well as a highly educated, enlightened and exposed sets of people, whose template is perfomance and results,but having returned again,was an indication of vote of confidence on his representation.
The Federal Lawmaker to his credit has presented many bills in the last nine years to the betterment of his Constituency and many Nigerians,as the most popular one was the ‘Entertainments Bill’ to trigger self sustenance and reduced to the barest minimum unemployment rates. One year into the 9th Assembly,six bills had already been presented inspite the incidence of COVID-19 pandemic that ravaged the world.
Robust contributions to motions and bills and issues of National interest/importance, made his nine years representation in the lower house purposeful,as even some of his colleagues nicknamed him and some of his friends in the House as ‘Revolutionary and proactive Lawmakers.’
Oversight functions of the Lawmaker had been one of the major achievements of the past few years,as among others,he was able to unravel the glaring misrepresentation in the civil service among other discoveries through a thorough revelation by constant oversights.
His constituents has benefited among other things provision of basic infrastructure, through provision of transformers to improve electricity, construction of boreholes,building and equiping of clinics,free rural medical outreach, empowerment of different sorts and Charity.
Honourable Damisa had in the last few years developed 80 infrastructures that had created over 3,000 jobs to the constituents directly and indirectly, in addition to provision of white collar jobs to many others, through letters of recommendation and recognition.
His empowerment programs knows no season,as he made it a routine exercise to assist his constituents and by extension many kogites and Nigerians in the area of Empowerment, Charity and Community service’.
Rt Honourable Ahmed-Tijani Damisa aside the usual charitable activities, made concerted efforts that mitigated the harsh effects of the sudden shut down of Business, Movement and activities of his constituents,through provision of palliatives to address the unfortunate situation of COVID-19 disease.
This singular and generous efforts assisted his Constituents greatly in solving the harsh consequences of the total lockdown of Nigeria, to reduce to the barest minimum,the effects of the pandemic.
No doubt, Honourable Damisa has the confidence and mandate of his people,so much so that when his decision to change his political platform inline with the prevailing situations arose,had little or no resistance,this is a clear picture of his continuous acceptability by his people,as a leader with progressive mind.
Knowing fully well of the benefits of his ranking status, as his likely emergence as principal officers in the nearest future,the people of Okene-Ogori-Magongo Federal Constituency kept their faith and renewal of his mandate as a personal project, both now and in the nearest future.
This is on the premise that the Federal Lawmaker is one of the oldest serving member in the current 9th House,with distinct and vibrant perfomance in all ramifications.
As Chairman House Committee on Federal Capital Territory FCT, Honourable Damisa in synergy with his colleague at the red chamber and the principal officers of the FCT,had carried out people oriented programs that will drive good governance in the Nations capital .
Yusif Is A Media Consultant.
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