Asuku Mother’s Abduction: Natasha H Akpoti spoke from an informed point of view.


I have read different views analyzing her response from an emotional angle but none have refuted the truth within.

You see, people who steal elections by manipulating the electoral process using every means like making life unbearable for their opponents to the extend of using ignorant youths whose lives should have been guided towards improving communal participation in societal building to constitute a menace to themselves and their community at the expense, unfortunately, of their lives should not be peeved by her post.

When we jubilate with electoral robbers and call them leaders, we are only postponing the evil days. An election marred with the most vicious of violence ever recorded in Kogi state in an electoral year where offices and properties were destroyed, burnt and defaced with reckless abandon should have been a tell-tale to what was to come.

It is the same process that led to the burning of a mother, sister and wife alive in her house. It is the same process that resulted in the desecration of the graveyard of Natasha’s father and application of incendiary devices to raze her family house down.

The same process resulted in the several lives lost, several supporters rendered homeless, several supporters rendered incapacitated. People who, guided aright, should have been adding to the Human resources of our dear land.

This same process orchestrated by the mafias during the elections ensured thugs were situated at polling booths with live ammunition and arms to wade off opponents of their parties and candidates causing the election to be a one sided affair.

One cannot start a fire and still complain of its repercussions, no, that will be utterly unreasonable.

Comparing a time when the region was engulfed with a storm of social vices will not be plausible, but accommodating of evil in a subtle manner. If that era had been wiped off on the surface as assumed by some pundits, then it is only sensible to conclude that people who carry out these nefarious acts now may be the ones equipped during the election and probably left unattended leaving them no option than to revert to the arms at their disposal

If Natasha, in her own right, believes some thugs may have gone AWOL, and advised quite blandly and dispassionately for some way to find and question them, I believe the government should pick within her input useful pointers.

Nobody outside Kogi state, without the help of an insider, can plan the kidnap of a highly placed individual like the mother of the chief of staff to the governor. Nobody.

The truth is we, as a people, must learn not to condone those who steal our mandate because asides stealing them, they carry alongside our rights, security, infrastructure, amenities etc and above all, our ability to contribute freely in our own development.

Natasha said what she said.

I wish earnestly for the safe return of our dear mama, nobody deserves to have their mother stolen away from them and put through undue hardship. Nobody.

May Allah in his infinite mercy grant her a safe return and may the perpetrators be caught and made to face the full wrath of the law.


Arome Okeme,

Writes from Abuja.


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