The ‘inclusion’ of persons Living with Disabilities in educational and architectural designs has only been on paper as achievement; lacking evidential practices in most of the higher institutions in Nigeria. It is disheartening indeed to crawl to classes because the environment is not adaptable to persons living with one disability or the other.
Though, Nigeria as a country is known for full fledged neglect over the marginalised persons and the efforts have only been on papers in all areas of their life; education, social life and at works but the efforts of those striving for equality for all, inclusion of everyone in the setting of an institution cannot be underrated, I sincerely appreciate them. God bless our advocates.
Dear Dr Usman Ogbo the AG Rector, Kogi State Polytechnic, your tremendous tireless efforts have in short Time brought transformation to the setting of kogi poly, it is crystal clear you are heading to somewhere progressively; the end is seen from now that you are going to leave an everlasting footprint in the history of the institution. I humbly make a request for inclusion of persons living with disability in the educational and architectural renovation of the institution. For the past years, I had informal interview with my colleagues living with disability on how the environmental issues with them are, the respondents were with hurtful expression narrated their experiences; the environment is not friendly.
Sir, construction of ramps to ease their mobility into the classroom would be appreciated, this doesn’t only make it easy for us but make us feel belong to the society. I went through challenges in the university but my focus was to learn from it to become a voice on full implementation and practices of the constitutional provisions for persons living with disability.
As an agent of change that you are, I sure know your response shall be positive on this. Thanks
Smart JP A

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