A disaster we never wished for again- Usman Okai Austin


Kogites have experienced the negative effects of what is known as bad governance under the leadership of Governor Yahaya Bello. They never wish to have such a government again in the future.

During Governor Bello’s tenure, there have been concerns about issues such as lack of transparency, poor infrastructure development, and inadequate provision of basic services. Many residents feel that their voices have been ignored and that their needs have not been adequately addressed by the government.

The state’s healthcare system has been a particular cause for concern, with reports of dilapidated hospitals, shortage of medical personnel, and inadequate access to quality healthcare. This has had a direct impact on the well-being and lives of the people of Kogi State.

Furthermore, there have been serious case of corruption and mismanagement of public funds, which have hindered the state’s progress and development. The people of Kogi State have expressed their dissatisfaction with the lack of accountability and transparency in the government’s actions.

In addition, there have been reports of political violence and intimidation, which have raised concerns about the state of democracy and the protection of citizens’ rights in Kogi State.

The people of Kogi State aspire for a government that prioritizes their welfare, listens to their concerns, and works towards the overall development of the state. They hope for a leadership that is transparent, accountable, and responsive to the needs of the people.

It is their fervent wish that they never have to experience a government like the Yahaya Bello administration again, and that future leaders will be committed to good governance, inclusivity, and the well-being of all residents of Kogi State.

In summary:

Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi state has been a controversial figure, and his leadership style has indeed divided the state more than ever before. There are several reasons for this division:

1. Political polarization: Governor Bello’s administration has been marked by intense political polarization. He has been accused of favoring his political allies from his own clan aline and marginalizing those he think do not support him. This has created a deep divide among the people of Kogi state, with some supporting him and others vehemently opposing him.
2. Ethnic tensions: Kogi state is a diverse state with various ethnic and religious groups. Unfortunately, Governor Bello’s policies and actions have exacerbated existing ethnic tensions. There have been reports of discrimination and marginalization based on ethnicity, leading to further divisions among the people.
3. Lack of inclusivity: Many critics argue that Governor Bello’s administration has not been inclusive in its decision-making processes. They claim that he has surrounded himself with a close-knit group of advisers, often ignoring the input and concerns of other stakeholders. This lack of inclusivity has alienated many segments of the population, further deepening the divisions within the state.
4. Economic disparities: The state’s economy has also been a source of division under Governor Bello’s leadership. Critics argue that his administration has not done enough to address the economic challenges faced by the people, leading to increased poverty and inequality. This has further widened the gap between the haves and have-nots, creating social unrest and division.

Overall, Governor Yahaya Bello’s leadership style and policies have contributed to the division within Kogi state. The political polarization, ethnic tensions, lack of inclusivity, and economic disparities have all played a role in deepening the divisions among the people.

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