A Condolence Letter to Prince Ocholi Ameh Oboni And The Entire Princes and Princesses of Great Igala Kingdom- Okai


A Condolence Letter to Prince Ocholi Ameh Oboni And The Entire Princes and Princesses of Great Igala Kingdom, on the Passing Of Attah of Igala Kingdom, Ameh Oboni II.
On behalf of my family, I offer our deepest condolences on the passing of our great Attah of Igala Kingdom, His Royal Majesty, Ameh Oboni II. The great Attah of our kingdom steadfastly steered Igala through turbulent times, With wisdom and foresight, he forged ever-stronger and spur the entire Igala Kingdom against external Frowns of Futune.
His Legandry Role, just like the Great Ameh Oboni, paved way for the victory we are celebrating today, against impossible odds, he pitched tent, he may have gone on permanent Hunting, but his historical navigation will forever remain innate in the living and Posterity.
Amongst his victory includes, the historical restoration of OCHO festival, which was long abandoned and forgotten, his doggedness and Bravery that gave “Ané Ayēgba” Victories, ranging From the Supreme Court Affirmation of ETTE Community which was formerly pronounced a part of Enugu as Igala Land, Through His Flawless victory that restored Lokoja, Koton Karfe and Ajaokuta as Igala Entity, to the recent giant stride to restore electrity across every nook and cranny of Igala land, all these was done within the space of four months.
We honor his legacy and mourn this loss alongside his family and our friends, we’re pained we lost him, and we’re happy he lived a fulfilled life accosted with historical Battles and Triumphs, we are indeed grateful to his Soul.
Very truly yours,
Comrade Usman Okai Austin.
Public Affairs Analyst and Political Commentator.
Writes From Abuja.

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