Just In: Igala Nation Make a Case for Boundary Adjustment and Realignment at the Constitutional Review Sitting in Lokoja.



Ane Igala Restoration Network (AIR) earlier today 2nd June, 2021 presented a Memorandum in support of the proposal to amend or review the 1999 Constitution.

AIR lauds the House of Representatives for rising to the occasion to commence the process at this very challenging moment in the history of the Nation.

AIR called on the Committee to thinker with the Constitution on sensitive issues which includes the following.

  1. Territorial realignment, boundary adjustment and creation of Local Government Area. This we submitted will address colonial injustice of balkanizing people with common ancestry and heritage. A case was strongly made for the adjustment of historical boundaries to return our kindreds in Benue, Enugu, Anambra Delta and Edo states into the Igala fold either in Kogi State or any new state to be created for the Igala Nation with attending Local Government Area as well as a capital at Idah.

  2. State Police. We made a case for amendment of the Constitution as to devolve powers to states and other federating units to establish, own and manage their own Police force. This we submitted will enhance the security of the people.

  3. Electoral System and Amendment. We called for the overhaul of the Nigerian electoral system in such as manner as to quarantee the integrity of results and ensure transparency in the process.

  4. Restructuring of the Federal Polity. We called for the general restructuring of the Federation, devolution of powers and resources control.

Conclusively, Ane Igala Restoration Network on behalf of herself and the Igala Nation and people supports the ongoing move by the National Assembly to amend the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and reiterates her readiness to work with the National Assembly and all such other relevant bodies to achieve same.

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The presentation at Lokoja today was done by the National President of Ane Igala Restoration Network, Apostle Ocholi E Odekina in company of three other members.

God bless Ane Igala Restoration Network, God bless Ane Igala worldwide.

Salifu Oguche Usman, Esq
Deputy National Secretary AIR

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