World Tuberculosis Day



The target of the SDG 3.3 to end TB by 2030 includes the reduction of deaths from TB by 90% and reduction of TB incidence by 80%. This dream is becoming unattainable. Time is running out and the world is yet to achieve half of this goal.

This is why the theme for this year’s world TB day is, “THE CLOCK IS TICKING”.

March 24th is set aside globally to commemorate World TB day. This is the day Dr. Robert Koch, in 1882, discovered the bacteria causing TB thereby opening the doors for other scientific breakthroughs in the management of the disease.

The Rural Doctor Initiative(RDI), an NGO founded by Dr. Arome OKEME, in conjunction with the Kateri medical services, in a bid to improve the health statistics in the community it is hosted in, rolled out a program to join forces with the global community to end the spread of TB and achieve the SDG targets.

A two-day awareness and sensitization seminar was organized for two secondary schools located in the rural areas of Southern kaduna. Senior students of these secondary schools who reside in far off villages were targeted. The event was well attended and largely interactive. RDI was amazed at the level of intelligence exhibited by both schools. Smart questions were asked and brilliant answers elicited.

In the end, over 500 students benefited from the program. Students who hitherto knew next to nothing about tuberculosis are now well grounded in the basics of the disease.

Dr. Okeme, in a statement, remarked that with the collective efforts of organizations and individuals of goodwill, a lot can be achieved in the areas of curbing the spread of the disease, saying the work should not be left for government alone.

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“With more resources, we hope to invade more communities and target groups to screen and link presumptive cases with treatment centres as this is free and convenient.” he remarked.

It is the unflinching hope of the RDI and Kateri medical services, to see that rural communities are not left out in the scheme of events as regards their health, including the #endTBstrategy campaigns.

The Rural Doctor Initiative…. Everyone deserves good health.

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