Wearing Face Mask Or Shield Inside Church Defeats Christ Finished Work At Calvary. – Rev Chris Okotie.


Rev Chris Okotie One of the top leading pastors in the country who pastors a church known as the “Household of God” Church, has vehemently kicked against the condition prescribed by the Lagos State government over the reopening of churches, as he declared his church will Not be Reopening for sunday service, come August 9, if they must do so wearing a face mask or shield during service.
The Household of God pastor believes, the wearing of masks or face shields is unacceptable during worship services as it defeats the finished work of Christ on the cross of Calvary.
To buttress his stance further the Rev took reference from the Bible by stating that, for Christians to wear any type of mask or face shield to church, is to reintroduce the veil which was torn the moment Jesus died on the cross. With the tearing of the veil, there is no longer separation between God and his people
He believes as Christainity and children of God protection is divine and as such the wearing of the protective gears endorsed by the Government make light of God’s work, hence it cannot be accepted.

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