Igala Vanguard Warns EYC Over Inflammatory Statements,Accuse The Body Of tribal Jingoism, say Attah Igala Crowned the First Attah Ebira in 1904 at Idah


Igala Vanguard has handed down a strong warning to the Ebira Youth Congress (EYC),over it’s inflammatory and divisive statements on issue before the law court, that boarders on common patrimony of geographical location, that ceded three local government areas to Kogi east.

A statement issued by Engineer Lawrence Akpa,the protem secretary of the body,says the stance of ethnic and divergent vutuperations adopted by the EYC,will not only aggravate the already pending issue,but will further widen the gap of differences and drum of war already being tinkered by the body.
According to Igala Vanguard “Historical facts and evidences shows that, the first traditional ruler, Attah of Ebira was crowned by Attah Igala in his palace, Idah, Kogi state in 1904 before he came to Okene. Till this time, Ebira land was under the control or rulership of Attah Igala. And according to the custom, any crowned ruler by Attah must be of Igala blood as Attah does not crown another tribe to rule a community. The present Attah or Ohinoyi is the fourth traditional ruler of Ebira people.

Similarly, Around 1808, Igala warriors who guard the boundary between Igala territory and Abuja precisely the present Koto Karfe, fought a war with Uthman Danfodia warriors and had them defeated. The few men remaining ran away and they could not enter Igala territory. It is believed that those group of Igala speaking warriors resorted to settling down in lokoja Ajaokuta and Koton Karfe are of Kogi state.

Igala Vanguard took the civil decision because it will not be part of the dissidents group whose intentions is to take the laws into their hands,or achieve their divergent supports through hooliganism,but best democratic practices.

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The Vanguard also draw the attention of the tribal Ebira group to the prejudicial statements, occassioned by the judgement of a competent court,rather than wait for the wise decision of the courts of competent jurisdiction already entertaining the matter further.

It warned that even though it is not sane to join issues with the rival tribal groups,it will not succumb to any form of harrassement and intimidation from any quaters,no matter how highly place in the polity of the state in the present dispensation.

The body draw the attention of the crude position and part the Ebira social group are now treading,which is capable of instigating uneasy calm,lack of confidence and widen more differences,not in existence before now.

He says the lingering issue was premise on some fundemental issues before approaching the court,and still believe that something legally and generally acceptable will be done by that same arm.

The group reminded the EYC of the spirit of oneness that had existed for decades between the two ethnic nationalities,as a very strong bond and spirit of togetherness,therefore abhor the youthful and unthoughtful exuberance of the outgoing leaders.

However, Engineer Lawreence Akpa says,it remain focus and determine to put the record straight,not minding the huge out cry on the current developement in the state .

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