Reconsider Your Position, Chinese medical teams will arrive Nigeria To Help Us, SGF Tells NMA, NUJ and others.


Despite overwhelming criticism that characterized the announcement of Chinese Doctors in Nigeria, federal government today announces her conviction to go ahead with the propose medical help from China,some Nigerians are becoming apprehensive of Chinese Doctors considering the fact that the world is criticizing China in the way and manner it handles the virus, the Chairman Presidential Task Force on COVID-19 Sir Mustapha Boss affirmed this position today during the press briefing in Abuja, states that it’s a corporate responsibility of China company building rails and Airport in Nigeria, OBSERVERS TIMES can confirmed.

The Chiarman of the Presidential task force, Boss Mustapha said COVID-19 Is a global pandemic that needs global collaboration and effort, allaying the fear, he said “ even the almighty United States of American is also in needs of help”

China is boosting its COVID-19 aid efforts in Africa by sending medical teams to various countries and also connecting local health providers across the continent with infectious disease experts back in China.

The deployment of medical personnel to countries like Algeria and, soon, Nigeria, is part of a larger global initiative to send Chinese medical experts to Europe, the Middle East and the Persian Gulf among other regions.

In Africa, the use of medical personnel is an evolution of Beijing’s relief efforts on the continent. These initially focused exclusively on the distribution of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and other medical supplies — including government-to-government support and philanthropic gifts like the recent PPE donation by the Jack Ma Foundation.

Nigerian Medical Association,, NMA, Nigeria Union of Journalists NUJ and others has openly criticized Government decision to seeks for foreign medical aides despite progressing made so far by the Nigerian Doctor on COVID-19.

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The Nigerian government announced on 3 April that an 18-member Chinese medical team including doctors, nurses and other medical advisers will arrive this week along with a plane-load of additional PPE. Nigeria, to date, has 190 confirmed cases of COVID-19.

It’s interesting to note that in both the Algerian and Nigerian cases, the cost of the PPE and medical personnel is not being underwritten by the central Chinese government but instead by Chinese state-owned enterprises that currently operate in the two countries.

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