The power of knowledge will always be mightier than the sword By Basil Odilim



At this stage in my life, as I8 face complex battles against institutions like the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and their army of lawyers, or the USPTO with their mastery of trademark law, I am constantly reminded of the power of the mind. Looking back, it’s difficult to imagine how far I could have come without my dedication to sharpening my intellect. Yet, despite these formidable adversaries—institutions that have cultivated their expertise for decades—I find myself winning. I’ve adapted quickly and leapfrogged into a game in which they’ve been entrenched for years, only to realize that their so-called expertise often proves to be poorly developed under scrutiny.

The adage “the pen is mightier than the sword” could not be more relevant. The power of knowledge and ideas can easily surpass the influence of physical force or institutional might. It is a grave mistake to underestimate the force of knowledge; its potential can, in some cases, even exceed the impact of the most destructive weapons.

In these intellectual battles, much like a chess match, victory hinges on mental agility. Without a sharper mind than your opponent, success is elusive. For the past four decades, I have kept my brain in its busiest and sharpest state, prepared to handle the complex challenges that come my way. These confrontations require strategy, foresight, and the ability to outthink adversaries—qualities that cannot be matched by physical strength alone. I relish these battles of the mind, not merely out of necessity, but because they keep me mentally engaged and ahead of the game. I love it. I enjoy it. I can’t do without it. This is my business—the only business I know.

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Once you find yourself ahead, it becomes clear just how shallow their so-called expertise often is. History is filled with examples of how the power of intellect overcomes brute force. The mind, when trained and disciplined, can manipulate circumstances, turn weakness into strength, and conquer even the most formidable physical powers. When the mind and brute force collide, it is almost always the mind that prevails, operating on levels that brute force cannot reach.

In today’s world of complex challenges and institutional power plays, those who keep their minds sharp and adaptable will always have the advantage. I’ve learned that knowledge, strategy, and intellectual flexibility are the ultimate tools in defeating even the most well-established armies of lawyers. The power of a sharp mind, continuously honed through decades of mental engagement, is, and always will be, mightier than the sword.

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