NG-CARES Programme: Bridging Gaps through Gender Sensitivity Training


The NG-CARES Programme, a vital response to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Federal government has secured a substantial US$750 million from the World Bank to extend immediate relief to those most affected. Aligned with Nigeria’s Economic Reform and Growth Plan and the World Bank’s 2020-2024 Country Partnership Framework, the NG-CARES Programme focuses on providing emergency support to vulnerable households, smallholder farmers, and SMEs.
The Programme’s Development Objective is clear: safeguarding livelihoods, ensuring food security, and revitalizing local economies in participating States across Nigeria. With three key Results Areas, the Programme aims to increase cash transfers, enhance food security, and prevent the collapse of household/micro-enterprise.
Beyond achieving Project Development Objectives, the NG-CARES Programme prioritizes addressing Safeguard issues, environmental and associated rrisks, including Gender-Based Violence (GBV), Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA), Sexual Harassment (SH), and gender-related risks. In line with international best practices, the Programme has established GBV Response Teams in participating States and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), with a focus on addressing risks through inclusive, participatory, and empowering approaches.

The NG-CARES Programme recognizes that Gender-Based Violence is deeply rooted in cultural norms and values, necessitating comprehensive training for GBV Officers. Issues like exclusion, discrimination, marginalization, and GBV may emerge during the Programme’s implementation. The World Bank recommends capacity building based on international Good Practice Notes to mitigate these risks.
Addressing discriminatory socio-cultural norms that perpetuate GBV, particularly against women and girls, is crucial. GBV, encompassing Physical, Emotional, Sexual, and Economic Violence, demands attention. The NG-CARES Programme aims to combat these challenges through Gender mainstreaming, aligning with International Best Practices in Programme Management.
To fortify the fight against GBV, the Federal CARES Support Unit is currently co ducting zonal training Workshops on GBV for Gender, GRM, Social Safeguards Desk Officers and officials of GBV Response Teams. This initiative seeks to equip officers with the technical know-how to address and manage GBV risks under the NG-CARES Programme.
Training Objectives and Expected Outcomes
The training aims to equip Safeguards and Operations Officers with the skills to manage gender issues effectively. Specific objectives include broadening officers’ knowledge on Gender Issues and GBV, promoting gender sensitivity, and ensuring gender inclusion in line with NG-CARES Programme Procedures.
Anticipated outcomes include improved knowledge of Gender-Based Violence concepts, heightened consciousness among officers, strengthened capacities for gender inclusion, and the adoption of good practices in gender mainstreaming.
Methodology and Participants
The trainings began with a Train-the-Trainer Workshop which involved federal and state representatives, followed by a Zonal Step-down Training for over 300 participants from all the 36 States and the Federal Capital. The subsequent Zonal Training, set for 4th – 6th December 2023, will be facilitated by those earlier trained during the Workshop.

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