FCCPC Must Hear This,I just had the worst customer experience with AirPeace Airline -Paul Ekpenyon Duke


I just had the worst customer experience with AirPeace Airline I had a ticket with my wife and daughter and I couldn’t make the flight, asked my wife to open my flight. She asked for them to open the flight and they said to do so, they need to separate the ticket. They did.

I came for reissue and was told it wasn’t open and I need to pay no show.

All the narrative from them is, it’s my wife’s fault. They said maybe she did it with less than 45 mins to her flight, we checked, she checked in 53mins b4 and did the change b4 check in.

Next, they said she must have asked them to separate and not open. She had no idea of separation, it was her request to open that led to separation.

If as they’re trying to insinuate that she asked for separation, common sense won’t prevail to open the ticket as I’m not flying or it’s policy to fleece customers.

As far as they were concerned, they could do no wrong. I sha know I’m no longer using them as they virtually laid the blame at my wife’s feet. That, I cannot accept.

I’m going to ask for a full refund and involve FCCPC Nigeria because as usual, they will want to bring story of no show in the refund.

I bid thee farewell. You can keep my points and share amongst your perfect personnel.

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