June 12: We Are Hungry, Nigerians Protest Economic Hardship, Demand Tinubu’s Removal



On June 12, 2024, Nigerians marked Democracy Day with protests against the country’s economic hardship and hunger. In Lagos and Abuja, citizens took to the streets, calling for President Bola Tinubu’s administration to be removed from power.

Protesters in Ikeja, Lagos, displayed placards with messages like “President Tinubu, let the poor breathe” and “Reverse all anti-people, neoliberal policies of privatization.” They emphasized that Nigerians can no longer feed their families comfortably under Tinubu’s leadership.

In Abuja, protesters gathered under the Berger Bridge, echoing similar sentiments. On social media, one protester posted, “We called for it, and we’re on the street in Ikeja Under Bridge. The tyrannical and oppressive government of @officialABAT must be shown the way out. We are hungry and angry. #WeAreHungryProtest #June12Protest.”

The protests highlight the growing discontent among Nigerians over the country’s economic struggles and the administration’s response. As the nation marks Democracy Day, citizens are demanding change and improved living conditions.

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