Call to Action: Okutepa SAN Urges Bar Leadership to Address Eroding Public Confidence in Judiciary



In a strongly worded statement, Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) Okutepa has called on the leadership of the legal profession to take immediate action to address the growing concerns about the erosion of public confidence in the judiciary and legal practice in Nigeria.

Okutepa SAN expressed deep concern over the actions and decisions of some members of the legal profession, which he believes have contributed to the diminishing respect for lawyers and the judiciary among the general public. He noted that lawyers are no longer respected, as Nigerians often see them as “problem creators” in the country.

The Senior Advocate highlighted the issue of conflicting injunctions and counter-injunctions being issued by various courts in political and chieftaincy cases, both in Federal and State High Courts. He argued that these actions have lowered the standards of justice and adjudication, accommodating partisan interests and prejudices at the expense of the purity of justice.

Okutepa SAN criticized the leadership of the legal profession for their apparent silence and inaction in the face of these challenges, suggesting that their lack of response may be perceived as complicity in the unethical practices of some members of the bar and the bench.

He called on the leadership of the bar and the bench, including the Body of Benchers, the National Judicial Council (NJC), the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), the Body of Senior Advocates of Nigeria (BOSAN), and the Attorneys-General of the Federation and States, to take urgent action to save the profession from “self-inflicted injuries.”

Okutepa SAN urged the leadership to impose appropriate sanctions on those who file frivolous processes in courts and those who adjudicate over such processes. He emphasized the need to preserve the integrity and reputation of the legal profession, warning that failure to act promptly could lead to the “painful and calamitous end” of the profession in Nigeria.

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In his closing remarks, Okutepa SAN reiterated the urgency of the situation, calling for an emergency meeting of the leadership of the legal profession to address these issues and take decisive action to restore public confidence in the judiciary and legal practice in Nigeria.

Source: [Insert source]

Note: This is a rewritten version of the text, formatted for publication in a news article or online news platform.

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