I remain the leader of the APC in Cross River state- Sen. Ndoma-Egba assures supporters


Former  Senate Majority Leader, Mr Victor Ndoma-Egba has reacted to the statement made by the All Progressives Congress APC Caretaker Chiarman Govenor Mai Bala Buni yesterday said that  governor Ben Ayade automatically became the leader of the party in the state having announced his defection from the Peoples Democratic Party PDP to ruling All Progressives Congress APC.

Reacting to this development this morning, former Senate Majority Leader, Senator Victor Ndoma-Egba, congratulated the governor Ayade,in  describing the defection as a well thought out decision that would be of huge benefit to Cross River State but insisting that contrary to the pronouncement of the caretaker Chiarman, having being the Senate leader before he remains the leader of the party in the state, though Ben Ayade will be accorded the respect of being the sitting Governor.

OBSERVERS TIMES recall that the  Governor of Cross River State, Prof Ben Ayade, on Thursday defected from the Peoples Democratic Party to the All Progressives Congress.

He announced the decision after a closed door meeting with six APC governors, which lasted over one hour at the Executive Chamber of the Governor’s Office in Calabar.

He said, “So, the rumour going round of purported dissolution of the existing State Exco that allegedly paved the way for the governor to form a new Exco’ does not exist and cannot stand since you cannot put something on nothing and expect it to stand “ there is no need for such action as the govenor is ready to work with the existing structure.

“I wish to urge all members of our party, leaders and elders as well as our teeming supporters not to be dismayed.
“Our structure is intact and on course; nothing has changed. Let us continue the grass-roots mobilisation that we have been doing in the party

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