Buhari’s Minister Acquires $20 Million Private Jet


In the midst of widespread poverty and dwindling fortunes, a serving Minister from an oil-rich State in the South-Sourh of the country has just acquired a Private Jet through a surrogate.

The surrogate who is from Akwa Ibom State and who is also a major contractor with the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) is said to hold the Minister who is a former Governor by the jugular on account of the deal to keep the prized possession a secret.

One wonders how and from where the serving minister and former Governor is able to get the huge sum, said to be $20 million, required to acquire such an asset. Pertinent questions to ask include, where did the money come from? How was the aircraft paid for? Who (individual or company) paid for it?

Unfortunately, this commission and these leaders and supposed representatives from a region where there has yet to be a kilometer of road initiated and completed to the credit of the NDDC.

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