NABDA Boosts Cotton and other Commodities Production Under Prof. Akpa

The direct intervention and activities of National Biotechnology Development Agency (NABDA) under the leadership of Prof. Alex U Akpa has greatly led to the boost and improvements in Cotton and other Commodities in the country.
Looking at the agency’s summary of current achievements in the country between 2018 to date, the board has released two varieties of Bt. Cotton and validation which are; MRC7377/BG11 and MRC7361/BG11.
This efforts has greatly improved the National cotton yield which has increased from between 250 –
750 kg / Hectare to between 3,500 – 5,000 kg /Hectare within this period of gineries.
The Prof Akpa led NABDA has also
focus on identification of best
agronomic practices that will
enhance extended
expression of the gene of
insert with reference to
productivity and stability in Cotton production in the country in order for the sector to contribute to the development of our economy so as to achieve this goal and expand it, the board has facilitated different category of trainings on Bt. Cotton seed use and multiplication for about 1300 farmers, across Nigeria in the last two years.
Also, Prof. Akpa leadership in board has also touches other hitherto neglected agricultural Commodities.The last two years, the board has contributed to the improvement in production and expansion of Cowpeas production in the country.
Like the board efforts in Cotton farming, it has successfully released Maruka Resistant Bt. Cowpea, this was in collaboration with IAR Zaria and other
relevant MDA’s.
The Maruka Pest has caused low production of Cowpeas in the country which has damaged large farmland and created economic
hardships to Nigerian beans farmers, due to its destructive effects.
Last year, the Northern Youth Council of Nigeria (NYCN) awarded Prof. Alex Akpa an Award of Excellence and conferred on him traditional title, “Garkuwan Matasan Arewa” for his untiring efforts in sustaining and improving agricultural products in the vast North, which has greatly helped to curb Youth restiveness and social insecurity.
Marukan Resistance BT Cowpeas didn’t only improves farmers’ yield but it has also improve market acceptability of the Nigerian cowpeas around the world.
Another key area that NABDA has greatly impacted in the commodity improvement in the country is Elite Yam Seedlings. In this area, the board collaborated with Biocrops Nigeria Limited which led to the  establishment of a State-of-the-Art
Green house Facility for the production of Elite Yam Seedlings at the NABDA headquarters in Abuja.
So far, One Million Yam Seedlings have been produced and also planted by farmers in different parts of the country, in addition to Five Million Disease Free and High-Yielding yam seedlings are currently being produced and for distribution to farmers in the country.
The facility for the production of the yam seedlings which has reached 95% completion.
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