Austin Okai: The Voice Of The Voiceless- Abubakar Yunusa


According to Cambridge dictionary, an activist is defined as a person who believes strongly in political or social change and takes part in activities such as public protest to try to make this happen. Deducing from the above definition, the activities of Kogi State born Austin Okai is wholesomely connected to objective activism. The aphrosim that says “only powerful people are known at the people time” is not far fetch from what we are seeing from Okai.
Actions are mostly premised on intention, thus, whatever someone is doing to day, it is certainly premeditated for a return or change. However, his overt and covert goals as displayed overtime is for the collective good of his people (Kogi State).
He has remained resilient and determined in the face of intimidation, harassment and some socio-economic denial in his undeterred quest to salvage Kogi people from the clutches of hunger orchestrated by unsympathetic and apathetic political landlord on the good people of Kogi state. He has become a messiah from above to assuage and ameliorate the pains of people of Kogi State with his steadfastness; amplified and magnified voice when all hope is undoubtedly lost. In a series of hard situations which Kogi State had find herself especially non-payment of salaries, no development and the use of thuggery to silence opposition and activists. Little reportage did we witness on the media, if not for the undaunted efforts of Okai that brought this ugly scenario to limelight, they wouldn’t have been a little shift in the political cum economic activities of the state government.
Who else if not Okai?
It is obvious that the activist has distinguish himself amongst the Kogi State Comrades that only appear and disappeared every four years, these category of activists are without bias christened as “seasonal Comrades or activists.” These seasonal writers and activists only come to their cyber space to speak and write faultless epistle and articles in favour of the government regardless of whose ox is gored primarily for governmental favour. These group ridicule and mock the political disposition of those that are engaged in objective activism. They often comment; “despite all these charades, we are the one controlling the affairs of the State, we are ruling you for now.” This jest making and ridicule never disturb the personality and position of Austin Okai as he often refute and respond, it is better he died because of his people than to enrich his pocket and hungry stomach. In an ideal democracy where constructive criticism is allowed and not proscribed, also not regarded as a threat and call for violent reaction and the use of foot soldiers by the power that be, public office holders progressively maintain consciousness of watchdogs that often keep them on their toes. However, the reverse is the case in our own world where threat to life, livelihood and physical harassment is the punishment for constructive criticism instead of the desired change by the critics for collective well-being of the society. To this end I ask rhetorically; are they not the same groups that used their fake ink to criticize and spread propaganda against former President Goodluck Jonathan and former Governor Idris Ichala Wada administrations?
It’s a known fact that the moment you don’t form alliance with, and display allegiance for the ‘New Direction Team’ and ‘Next level’ apologetics, your mental reasoning and actions would be prematurely adjudged defective and deformed. It is amoral to maintain and portray a dilapidated and degraded disposition to the plight of the people. Forming an alliance with and hailing an oppressor is the greatest disservice to the existence of a community. It is better you maintain a neutral position than hailing a heartless oppressor. The decision to be a hero or villain is always readily available at our disposal.
It should be recalled that, when all the higher institutions of learning was shut down due to non-payment of salary and some other accrued benefits, who was actively putting Kogi State Government on his toes to do the right thing? It was still a resounding name “Okai.” When Kogi State civil servants were wallowing in pain and vain with no remorse from the state, Okai resonated as the leading voice while few others followed. Criticism is normal especially if you have taken a bold stance to fight for the masses. Do not despair and be blackmailed, remain steadfast and undeterred. Certainly many antics will be employed to derail you from the original course.
On this, you will see the least of human writing in a demeaning manner solely to belittle you and call you names. His ability to condole such cheap and unpopular tricks will ultimately keep him ahead of detractors and unpopular paid mercenaries. Yes, Austin Okai, you have written your name in gold, do not let unsophisticated ploy and criticisms from the new direction camp distract you from the path of the people you have chosen.
– Abubakar Yunusa writes from Abuja.

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