
By Mukhtar Wakeel, Lafia
Nasarawa State, a valuable state in the north-central zone of the country, a state known for its uneven development and best described as the “Home of Solid Minerals”. It is on record that Governor Umaru Tanko Al-Makura has demonstrated his commitment to effective service delivery and economic emancipation of NASARAWA State.
Despite the seeming difficulties in the land as a result of the inherited recession, Nasarawa State Chapter of the Al-Makura led APC administration had in the last seven years developed the state in critical sectors ranging from Health, Roads construction, School renovation, Urban renewal among others, which informs why the APC archived its campaign on continuity.
As of fact, no statement captures more vividly the quantum leap Nasarawa state has made in the last seven years it has been governed by Umaru Tanko Al-Makura. A few years ago, Nasarawa state was often decisively described as a civil service state. Today, however, through strict adherence to fiscal discipline, vision, vigorous planning, prodigious attention to details, provision of first class infrastructures, security and an unwavering commitment to the development of the human resource, Nasarawa state has emerged as one of the fast-growing economies in the country.
The kind of silent revolution and transformation taking place in all socio-economic strata in Nasarawa state is unprecedented in the history of the state, transforming the agrarian state from one of the most backward to one of an economically healthier state in the federation.
Prior to 2011, Nasarawa state was rated as one of the most economically disadvantaged states with a high rate of illiteracy, Disease, Maternal child death, Poverty, Poor infrastructure, Malnutrition and other indicators of a sluggish development. Also, effort made by same past administrations to champion the cause of the states development, made a futile result due to the internal factors as well as lack of political will and sincere commitment from some of the leaders.
When Governor Al-Makura took over the mantle of leadership in 2011, he employed his vast political experience, progressive ideology and business wizardry and tactfully dealt with all factors that were responsible for the failure of the state to meet-up with the vision of its founding fathers.
With Tanko Al-Makura as Nasarawa State Governor, the dream of the founding fathers seems to have been reawakened, with defined goals for the prosperous future of the state. Al-Makura’s administration has undoubtedly laid a solid foundation for new Nasarawa, a state with clear vision and mission, a state that would be a pride of its indigenes, a reference point to others and a society which everybody would want to live in.
The government has restored the confidence of its indigenes on leadership by reviving the decayed infrastructural sector, public service and executing programmes and projects that have direct bearing on the life of the people, laying a solid foundation for the future generation, ever lasting peace, unity and progress in the state.
The Al-Makura administration right from inception, identified food and security, agriculture, education, health, women and youth empowerment and infrastructural development as priority areas in the comprehensive development frame work of the state. These were well articulated and vigorously pursued. The result is what is now exhibited in the transformation taking place in the state which President Muhammadu Buhari inaugurated on the 6th of February, 2018.
It is not news that President Muhammadu Buhari is unfortunately facing tough time in leadership of Nigeria. Afflicted by a mirage of national problems, Nigerians expected quick-fixes to the miseries of the nation as pay back for the “change” canvassed and which they massively supported on the banner of opposition APC.
Nigerians have held strongly to this covenant pact of “change” with the president. President Buhari has taken steps to solve these national maladies, known to Nigerians and the entire world.
Already, some measure of attestable success have been recorded in areas like insecurity, anti-corruption war and fiscal discipline in government business (Treasury Single Account), bailout funds to salary indebted states, rail and roads projects among others, despite dwindling national resources.
But recent commentaries from some overzealous Nigerians in the media on the Buhari presidency have been quite unimpressive. Others have gone to the extent of passing a verdict of incompetence on him icing with calls for resignation, a view many other Nigerians who could not forget the calamity the country was plunged into in the 16 years of PDP administration as baseless and unholy.
These pungent anti-government feelings, as even confessed by Buhrai are understandable. However in the haste to crucify Buhari by these dissatisfied Nigerians on the dais of urgent expectations of accomplishments within time frames set by these same critics, there is an obvious, anxious overpricing of the cake that strips it of any fancy.
These cliques of Nigerians forget easily the democratic bottlenecks inherent in the system. They also prefer not to understand that some supportive organs of government are peopled by renegade personalities who do not necessarily share in the spirit and vision of the Buhari’s and Al-Makura’s “change-agenda”.
More to it, the conveniences to overlook their own lapses in the small places they head, the sum total of which is the silent pulling of the strings of anti-change against the centre, is hardly measured.
At market place, in bus stops, private homes, public or private offices and everywhere, Nigerians reaffirm the oath in infamy of positive virtues of patriotism to ones country, but expect that Buhari shadows should warm everywhere in the land to reprimand them.
Differently put, Nigerians erroneously thought Buhari is the man to do everything for them, while they slumber and wake up to wine because the president rode unto power on the highest puritan pedestal.
But no nation drives a successful change simply on account of the Puritanism and solo trip of the leaders. Everyone in his remote corner of the country must believe and contribute his little energy and integrity to it before it works. Criticisms of a government are good, but imbibing the tenets the critics expect of the leaders is better. Hence, “change begins with me” slogan.
Having assessed the Nigerian temperament, which often tilts towards the bad and the ugly, President Buhari has come to the inevitable conclusion that Nigerians need a fundamental reorientation. This has become imperative because from ordinary Nigerians to the elite, the mentality and perception of life in negativity is similar. But it stuns how citizens expect progress from a country they have blatantly denied the essentials of this progress.
Therefore, enactment of the concept of “change begins with me” by president Buhari sometimes ago is apt and timely. From whatever rating, there is no denying the fact that most of the attributes of President Buhari are visible in Governor Al-Makura. Hence, the duo can best be described as birds of a feather.
The qualities of honesty, discipline, prudent management of resources, government of inclusiveness, pragmatic approach to issues, nationalism and patriotism and commitment to Nigerians projects make them two-in-one.
The monumental achievements recorded by Al-Makura led Administration has propelled the agitation and clarion calls on the Governor whose tenancy in Government House, Shendam Road, Lafia will expire on 29th May, 2019 to move to the Red Chamber of the National Assembly as a way of rewarding him for the good things he has done as the Chief Steward of Nasarawa State.
Without sentiment, Al- Makura has demonstrated that he is well- prepared to provide result- oriented leadership at the Upper Chamber.
No doubt, the pressure mounted on the Governor to yield to the calls and accept to run for Senate is vibrating by the day with even threats in some quarters to sue him should he turn down the calls to run for Senate. This is in addition to some good spirited Youths other stakeholders who expressed readiness to purchase Nomination Form for him. Just this week a group of like-minded politicians donated a Campaign Bus and other campaign materials as a mark of encouragement for Governor Al-Makura to accept to provide quality representation at the Red Chamber.
While praying and waiting for the Architect of Modern Nasarawa State to declare his acceptance to run for Senate, I make bold to state that Al-Makura has the potential and capacity to give Nasarawa State purposeful representation at the Senate. My stance.

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